"Gheorge Şincai" Institute for Social Sciences
and the Humanities of the Romanian Academy

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Research fields

The Yearbook of the "Gheorghe Şincai" Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities of the Romanian Academy (ISSN 1454-5284) is a yearly academic publication. The Yearbook is a peer reviewed journal. Issued in 1998 the journal accepts for publication articles in both in Romanian, English, French or German. It has sections dedicated to early modern, modern, and recent history, cultural studies, literary studies, and book reviews. The Yearbook publishes articles related to the history of East Central Europe (comparative studies on intellectual, cultural, social, political history, imagology, Church history).

Editorial board

Chief editor

Dr. Cornel Sigmirean


Dr. Nicoleta Sălcudeanu

Dr. Carmen Andraş

Dr. Anca Şincan

Dr. Marian Zăloagă

Dr. Corina Teodor

Dr. Simon Zsolt

Dr. Novák Csaba Zoltán

Dr. Maria Costea


Dan Berindei, Member of the Romanian Academy, Vice-President of the Romanian Academy

Eugen Simion, Member of the Romanian Academy, President of the Literary and Philology Section of the Romanian Academy

Camil Mureșanu, Member of the Romanian Academy

Ioan-Aurel Pop, Director of the Center for Transylvanian Studies, Member of the Romanian Academy

Professor Keith Hitchins, Emeritus University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, US

Professor Rakesh Batabyal, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

Professor Iulian Boldea, “Petru Maior” University, Târgu-Mureş, România

David Espey, University of Pennsylvania, US

Vesna Goldsworthy, Kingston University, London, UK

Claude Karnoouh, Centre National de Recherches Scientifiques, Paris, France

Anatol Petrencu, director of the “Pro-Memoria” History Institute, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova

Ion Negrei, Researcher, Institute for History, State and Law of the Academy of Sciences, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova

Editing requirements:

The articles have to be between 8 and 15 pages long. The text should be edited in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman characters, 11 font size, single spaced. The footnotes should have 10 font size, at the bottom of the page and should follow the Chicago style (Chicago-Style Citation Guide).

The article should come with an English abstract of 150 to 300 words, an English translation of the title, keywords and a short bio of the author that should include his/hers academic affiliation.

Articles will be sent via e-mail to icsu_ms@clicknet.ro.


ABSTRACTS 1998-2013:

Yearbook vol. XVII/2014

Yearbook vol. XVI/2013

Yearbook vol. XV/2012

Yearbook vol. XIV/2011

Yearbook vol. XIII/2010

Yearbook vol. XII/2009

Yearbook vol. XI/2008

Yearbook vol. X/2007

Yearbook vol. VIII-IX/2005-2006

Yearbook vol. VII/2004

Yearbook vol. V-VI/2002-2003

Yearbook vol. III-IV/2000-2001

Yearbook vol. II/1999

Yearbook vol. I/1998